Making your ex miss you is your first step in how to “get my ex boyfriend back” again. “Well, does my ex miss me?” Don’t you think a better question would be how do I make “my ex boyfriend” miss me?
Step 1 – Make Your Ex Boyfriend Miss You
The easiest way to make your ex boyfriend miss you is to disappear from his radar. If you are constantly in his face asking about the break up, and when will you get back together again. He is not going to start to miss you, make sense? If you start to pull away from him he will notice, and wonder why. Now you have started to turn the tables, and you are back on his mind again…even if he is dating another woman.
Another way to get the ball rolling is to use the no contact rule, and send an effective NC message. A correctly written NC message will flip your ex boyfriend’s switch, and make him start to miss you even faster, sound good? It should, and if you don’t use a no contact message you will be setting yourself back, so don’t be afraid to send it. So, “does my ex miss me?” Well, if he doesn’t he soon will after you finish learning how to “get my ex boyfriend back.”
Step 2 – Reconnect With Your Boyfriend
Once you have been following a good plan using the no contact rule things will begin to evolve nicely. Your ex boyfriend will start coming around more, and you will take back more and more control…the right way. Getting your ex boyfriend back requires a good balance between pushing and pulling..what do I mean? You need to keep him interested enough without falling back into the friends with benefits zone.
You will become very good at this because during your NC period you would have been following a series of exercises designed to give you back your confidence, and self control. The needy, scared little girl he broke up with no longer exists. “Does my ex miss me?” I would say he not only misses you, but loves this new woman you have become. You personally and emotionally evolving is how to “get my ex boyfriend back”, and how to get him back and keep him forever.
Free Step-By-Step System
Just in-case after reading all that you’re still scratching your head, I can help you understand, and I will do it for free. I run a revolutionary Blog, and Forum/Chat Room that takes a whole new approach to “getting my ex boyfriend back”, and it works! I don’t care how many books you bought or read…you haven’t seen anything like what I have to offer you.
If you want to learn how to make your ex miss you and to get your ex boyfriend back, join my free newsletter for access to a free step by step system to get your life and your ex back fast. The answers you need to start your personal evolution are waiting for you, don’t hesitate another minute…come and get them. If you have any comments or questions please write them in the comment box below.