Win Them Back Resolution 1
The first resolution you have to make is to stop chasing your ex. That means not just text messaging, emailing, and showing up at places you know they will be, but it also means mentally. You have to promise yourself you will not obsess about getting them back. You have to let them go physically, and mentally as well. You can accomplish this if you sit down and formulate a good plan using the no contact rule to keep yourself socially busy, instead of scheming how to get your ex back…make sense?
Win Them Back Resolution 2
Once you have an idea of how you’re going to let them go mentally. Then put those ideas into action. Go out with friends and family, and stay active socially…But! Do not talk about your ex or your break up, OK? If you bring that gray cloud over your head everywhere you go, you will end up with no friends, along with no boyfriend or girlfriend. Remember you were supposed to let your breakup go…so do it. Your second resolution is to “walk the talk”, which means to act upon what you said you were going to do…don’t just talk about it…OK?
Win Them Back Resolution 3
Now that you have decided to let that little gray cloud go you need to do a little more to move on from your old “failed” relationship. Many people are afraid that dating will send the wrong message, and will not help you get your ex back. But, they are wrong! This works on two different levels to your advantage.
First, it builds your confidence and helps you to mentally let go of your old relationship. Second it is fun and your ex will now start to realize you might never come back…now they start to panic inside. Even though you are only moving on from your old relationship, it will seem that you are over them completely…this flips an emotional switch, and your ex will start to chase you. As crazy as this all might sound, these 3 steps will help you get your ex back in 2010, or maybe sooner.
Free Step-By-Step System
I know what you just read probably has you scratching your head, but I can help you understand, and I will do it for free. I run a revolutionary Blog, and Forum/Chat Room that takes a whole new approach to getting your ex back, and it works! I don’t care how many books you bought or read…you haven’t seen anything like what I have to offer you.
If you want my help to “get my ex back”, join my free newsletter for access to a free step by step system to get your life and ex back fast. The answers you need to start your personal evolution are waiting for you, don’t hesitate another minute…come and get them. If you have any comments or questions please write them in the comment box below.